Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Flipboard Use In Global Issues Garners Attention From Flipboard and Co-Founders

We've used Flipboard in our Global Issues Class with great student engagement.

Enter the power of a global audience:
On March 5, I tweeted and mentioned the Flipboard company about an article that our student led newspaper, Pulaski News, wrote about!

On March 8, 2016, the Flipboard company made an authentic tweet to acknowledge Pulaski News and the student who wrote the article.

I'm truly thrilled for Mikayla Berg, the author of the article.  After showing the original tweet, she noticed the Flipboard tweet.  Needless to say, it made her day!  After all, Flipboard has 446,000 followers!

Without the positive power of technology, authors in schools and in our community would not have a global voice!

Truly, an incredible experience for one of our students!
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